Passing the Baton

(Excerpt taken from Money Radiance)
By Jon Kho

When it comes to leaving a legacy, having enough for ourselves materially should not be a prerequisite for passing the baton. We can still help others improve their way of life by passing on what we have learned from our life’s experiences and teaching the next generation how to do things on their own field.

On a relay race, passing the baton is so critical that if one of the runners drops the baton while trying to pass it to the next, the whole team would lose the race. If the team wants to finish the race, it would be imperative for every member to not drop the baton but to make sure that the baton is passed on from runner to runner until the last one reaches the finish line.

This illustration tells us a lot about life. If we want to finish this life’s race well, we should learn to pass the baton, one person at a time, enriching the lives of people to reach their great potential. Leaving a legacy means exactly this. It is a never-ending cycle of learning and teaching, getting the baton and passing the baton. If we do this, we will gain much more in life.

When I lost everything from a pyramid scam, I did not know what steps to take next. I remembered people in my circle who, even though they did not know what happened to me, started coordinating with and inviting me to do business with them. Soon, I saw myself standing up again from that fall. One of my friends asked me to serve all their employees’ eye needs as an optometrist.

After that, I was invited to join a sales force of a financial institution. Even when I was as ignorant as a dog on finance could be, help came to me left and right. When my financial institution conducted training on their sales teams, I learned so much that it made me wonder, How did I not know these things before?

So this is the reason why I want to pass on my experiences with other people, that it may help them as well to face their ignorances on finance and become confident that they can prepare themselves and live a life that they really desire and hope for.

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